A Year in Review: Celebrating 12 Months of Next Wave Cassette Magazine

“Dear Friends and Cassette Culture Connoisseurs, As we mark the launch of our 12th volume, I find myself reflecting on the incredible journey that is Next Wave Cassette Magazine and Chalkpit Cassette Club. It's a journey that started as a simple idea - to provide artists with a tangible platform to share their music, to ensure it is discovered and cherished. We envisioned creating memories and moments, ones that resonate with a global community of music fans.

Today, I'm thrilled to say that our vision is a reality. It's been a year filled with sonic exploration, discovery, and the magic of physical music. Twelve volumes, each one representing a month of musical discovery, each one showcasing the extraordinary talents of 144 artists. These artists, driven by their passion and creativity, deserve all the success in the world. And for this, we have you, our growing community, to thank. It's your unwavering support, belief in our vision, and your love for the cassette format that keeps us doing what we do with boundless joy each month. You're the heart and soul of
Next Wave Cassette Magazine and Chalkpit Cassette Club.

Our community is the lifeblood of our mission, and it's a mission that continues to evolve and grow. The future holds exciting prospects, incredible artists waiting to be discovered, and projects that will only strengthen our wonderful community. We're dedicated to preserving and celebrating the essence of physical music. We're dedicated to keeping the tape rolling.”

“I'd also like to take this moment to express my deepest gratitude to Charlotte Humphries and Jennifer Pudney for their remarkable support and hard work in bringing our magazine together. Their dedication is immeasurable, and it's their commitment that helps us deliver the best every month.

To those who have not yet had the pleasure of joining our community, I invite you to take part in our musical journey. Join our
Next Wave Cassette Magazine subscription and see what all the fuss is about. It's an experience like no other - discovering the freshest, most innovative sounds, and supporting artists every step of the way.

Thank you all for being part of this incredible journey. The path ahead is illuminated with the rhythm of countless discoveries, and we can't wait to share them with you. Together, we are writing the next chapter of music history.

Keep it analogue, keep the tape rolling, and let's embrace what the future holds.”

With heartfelt gratitude,

Silas Gregory
Founder of Next Wave Cassette Magazine & Chalkpit Cassette Club


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