Welcome to THE world of Chalkpit Cassette Club. OUR COMMUNITY OF CASSETTE CULTURE connoisseurs celebrate music, support artists, and keep the magic of cassettes alive, one tape at a time.

Supporting Artists, Celebrating Music

We are more than just a platform; we are advocates for artists and their music. Through our limited edition releases and pre-order campaigns, we provide emerging talents with a unique opportunity to showcase their work on the cherished format of cassette.

Next Wave Cassette Magazine: Unveiling Music's Best-Kept Secrets

Get ready to embark on a musical journey like no other with our renowned Next Wave Cassette Magazine. Each volume celebrates the rising stars of the music scene, handpicked with love and care. Join our vibrant community and explore captivating reviews, mesmerising artwork, and exclusive features that unveil music's best-kept secrets.

Keeping Cassette Culture Alive, One Tape at a Time

Chalkpit Cassette Club has played a pivotal role in preserving and nurturing cassette culture. With each limited edition tape released, we celebrate the essence of physical music and keep the spirit of cassettes alive, connecting a community of like-minded Cassette Culture Connoisseurs.



Next Wave Cassette Magazine - Your Gateway to Music Discovery!

As a subscriber to our Next Wave Cassette Magazine, you gain access to an immersive and tangible experience. Discover the freshest sounds from the next big stars in the music industry, showcased on limited edition cassettes exclusively by Chalkpit Cassette Club. Start your collection today and be a part of the cassette revival.

chalkpit cassette club exclusives

Explore our latest Chalkpit Cassette Club exclusive products, where we collaborate with artists to bring you limited-edition cassette culture tapes and products.

Maxwell Gold Cassette Earrings
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Cassette Culture Connoisseurs - 3.0 - T-Shirt
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The Walkman Blend - Isle of Wight - Artisan Roasted Coffee - 250g
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Our Mission

  • Our mission is to champion cassette culture and celebrate the format and it’s exceptional musical qualities. We want to introduce a brand new generation to the format that pioneered the way for portable music.

  • We are committed in unleashing a new breed of talent on the Cassette Format. We work closely with artists in forming releases and creating a collectable piece of art which represents their visions and engages their fans directly.

  • Our team might not have been born when the cassette tape was in its prime. But it’s through our passion and our unparalleled curiosity to experience what once was, that allows us to craft a new era for the cassette tape, promoting new artists through Chalkpit Cassette Club that are on the brink of brilliance

  • We are building a community with a collective interest in collecting physical music on Cassette. We invite you to join our club family and benefit from cassette exclusive via email.

vintage Cassettes

Dive into a treasure trove of analog goodness as you browse through our carefully curated selection of vintage cassettes. From classic albums to rare finds, each cassette holds a piece of musical heritage waiting to be rediscovered.


Chalkpit Cassette Club is proud to be working with some fantastic partners in 2023.


Start your cassette tape collection today with limited edition, rare, unheard treasures from exciting new artists we know you will love. follow us on INSTAGRAM